

The campground is equipped with four private, single-tent sites and an open field for group camping. Each campsite can accommodate a single tent with a maximum of four people, and is equipped with the following:

  • A table
  • A metal fire ring
  • A 12-by-12-foot tent pad

If private sites are full, we will offer the field as a camping space even if you are not camping with a group.

There is potable water and a composting toilet in the campground; we also grant campers access to toilets and showers on the lower level of the A. Boyd Claytor III Education and Research Facility. There are no electric hookups and there is no vehicle access to the campground. Campers are offered a wheelbarrow to help move their belongings along the gravel path to the campground, about a quarter-mile walk.


The campitheater is an outdoor amphitheater with a capacity of 40 people.